
Call or text 847-818-0400


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Who is making this offer?

My name is Tim Wolfe. I am a CPA and CFP who has been in practice for over 30 years. I have one over riding goal. And that is to see that you become successful in life, starting with your finances.

I love my job because I have an opportunity to meet and work with                                           clients who need my help.                                           Every year life is becoming                                         more financially                                                   difficult. And every year it                                               becomes more and more                                         important to be able to find                                           and utilize quality financial                                         assistance. I am asking you                            to           to give me an opportunity                                                              to demonstrate that I am someone you should seriously consider as your trusted adviser.

I am offering a free review of your past 3 business and/or personal income tax returns. Why? Well, the first reason is that there is a very good chance that you have either overpaid your past income taxes. Two, if you already overpaying your income taxes you will probably continue to overpay. And three, I will be in a position to offer you suggestions for new tax saving ideas. 

Why consider the offer? You, or your preparer, may have made a math error, missed deductions or credits, or misapplied tax rules.

Why accept the offer? You, or your preparer, may have made a math error, missed deductions or credits, or misapplied tax rules.

How does the offer work? 

1. Call or text 847.818.0400 or email to begin the process.

2. Forward your prior returns to my secure website to protect your data.

3. Schedule a phone or in person appointment to review my findings.

4. Amended return(s), as appropriate.

How often are returns amended? I have found that about 1 in 3 people have overpaid their income taxes and will want to file for a refund.

How much is an average refund? That is impossible to say. But it is not unusual for refunds of several hundred to several thousands of dollars.

Are there situations more prone to errors, oversights and misapplication of tax rules? Yes. Rental real estate, self-employed individuals, education credits, and penalties on early withdrawals of IRAs.